I’ve been lucky enough this year to have an increased role in supporting our new staff at MCHS during this strange. I’ve become an NQT mentor again (to non historian, which is really interesting), I’m involved in the Ambition Institute’s Early Career Framework training and also supporting our in house training for NQT’s.

Tonight I led a session on Explanation, which we’ve based around one of the core books we provide NQTs, the outstanding Making Every Lesson Count by Shaun Allison and Andy Tharby (If you’ve not read it, please do, it’s my favourite education book of all time.)

The presentation I made is heavily borrowed from one Andy did a few years ago and features input from Tom Sherrington, Mark Enser, Ben Newmark, Adam Boxer, Alex Quigley and the EEF.

I added a slide at the end linking to teaching in the Covid Era, with lots of ideas for those of you blended/remote teaching.

In my copy I added lots of specific examples from our school, but I’ve removed for this generic one so you can add your own.

I hope it can be of some use!